2013 Fringe Benefits Contract Bargaining Update:
CAPE Representatives Aligned With Coalition of County Unions (CCU) In Pursuit of Fringe Benefits Package Enhancements
Two labor contracts govern the overall compensation of CAPE-represented professional employees working for the County of Los Angeles: The salary contract, which is the focus of CAPE members' ongoing unit contract negotiations; and the Fringe Benefits Contract which CAPE representatives negotiate aligned with the Coalition of County Unions.
CAPE representatives have led the CCU negotiations on behalf of all County employees for the last several rounds of Fringe Benefits contract bargaining. As Chairman of the CCU, CAPE Counsel Blaine Meek has guided the 30,000-member employee group to successful agreements.
One of the primary items on the bargaining table during Fringe Benefits contract bargaining is always the County's contribution amount to the Choices program to cover the cost of employee medical premiums. The CCU has an outstanding record on this item, with the County's contribution matching, or in most cases exceeding, medical premium increases over the last several fringe benefit contracts.
Also on the table are other important items such as CAPE members' pension programs and the County's contribution to the Horizons deferred compensation and investment program. Last year's pension reform legislation (PEPRA) at the state level resulted in changes to our pension plans for both current employees and new-hires which we announced to CAPE members early this year. CCU representatives don’t expect more changes to our pensions and will fight to preserve the pension plans as they now exist as a result of PEPRA. Likewise, CCU representatives will fight to preserve the County’s full 4% matching contribution to Horizons, as well as to eliminate the overall fund cap so the matching contributions will no longer get cut-off before the end of each fiscal year.
We will keep members informed about the status of Fringe Benefits contract negotiations as they progress by email blasts and worksite fliers, or you can check our website at www.CAPEunion.org for any updates.
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