CAPE Supports AB 1250

CAPE's lobbyist in Sacramento, Tim Yaryan, sent Sen. Mike McGuire, the chair of the state's Senate Governance and Finance Committee, a letter on behalf of the union urging him to vote "aye" on AB 1250 when it comes before his committee.

AB 1250 is an act to add a section to the Government Code regarding counties contracts for personal services, aka "contracting out."

As our letter states, this is a "common sense measure to ensure counties adhere to due diligence standards when opting to outsource public services" and provides government standards for which counties would be allowed to outsource services currently or customarily performed by their employees. Among the standards proposed: a fair cost analysis, proven savings to taxpayers, no displacement of employees and ensuring prospective contractors are qualified and do not engage in discriminatory practices.

We also note that it's California's long-standing policy - since 1913 - to ensure public services are delivered through a well-trained and qualified workforce to ensure consistent quality of services to the public. This addition to the Government Code continues this policy and ensures counties operate in the best interests of the public.

As public service professionals, we are the most qualified and trained workforce to service the citizens of Los Angeles County. AB 1250 will ensure that when LA County departments want to outsource work, there is accountability measures in place.

We will keep you updated on this bill as it moves through Sacramento. Click here to read our letter to Sen. Mike McGuire.

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