CCU Fringe Benefits Bargaining Team Assembled and Prepared, County Officials Organizing Under New Leadership

The contract agreement that governs CAPE members' fringe benefits, such as the County's contribution to Choices family health care coverage and Horizons, the deferred compensation matching contribution program, are negotiated collectively with all of the CCU-affiliated county employee associations sitting across the bargaining table from County management representatives.

The current Fringe Benefit contract expires on September 30, 2015. The challenges of this year's Fringe Benefit contract negotiations are enormous. There is an entirely new set of leadership at the County Hall of Administration. There are two new County Supervisors and new leaders at all of the top administrative and employee relations posts.

The changes in leadership are likely to give this year's contract discussions a completely different environment.

At meetings in February with representatives from the affiliated CCU member organizations, a set of initial proposals was crafted to enhance many of the benefit and compensation items covered by the contract.  Maintaining a Choices contribution that covers the anticipated increases in medical, dental and vision premiums is a priority for the CCU negotiators. Additionally, the group prioritized proposals that would expand vacation, holiday and sick leave benefits.

We anticipate the first productive face-to-face meetings with County representatives to take place in May or June when more is known about the condition of the state and County budgets.   Regular meetings with County officials for Fringe Contract negotiations are likely to occur through the summer. We remain cautiously optimistic that, with new County leaders, we can come to an agreement on the new Fringe Contract before the current contract expires in September.

CAPE will continue to keep members informed of the status of the Fringe Benefits Contract negotiations through email broadcasts and our field program.

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