Fringe Benefits Negotiation Update:

The Coalition of County Unions (CCU) and CAPE representatives there remain hard at work negotiating the terms of a successor Fringe Benefits contract for CAPE represented employees.

The County's contribution to the Choices medical and dental programs, County funding of the Horizons deferred compensation plan, CAPE members' pensions and retiree healthcare programs, and your important sick, vacation, and holiday time provisions are just a few of the many important benefits being negotiated at the Fringe Benefits contract bargaining table.

So far the CCU's major focus has been to increase the County's contribution to CHOICES to cover employees' rising healthcare premiums over the term of the next contract. The CCU recently achieved an offer from the County that provides significant additional funding for employees' healthcare in 2016, 2017, and 2018. The CCU also recently achieved an offer of more vacation time for County employees in the next contract. However, these terms are still being negotiated by the CCU as part of the broader Fringe Benefits package.

We will continue to keep CAPE members informed as the Fringe Benefit Contract negotiations progress.

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