Last month, Los Angeles County CEO, William T. Fujioka, announced a $23.3 billion proposed budget for FY 2011-2012 that is balanced, preserves critical services, and avoids work furloughs and layoffs for County employees. However, the County's budget situation remains unsettled as the ongoing budget debates at both the State and Federal...

Union members know that an attack on workers anywhere is an attack on workers everywhere. Unfortunately, we are witnessing this phenomenon unfold in historic fashion as the attacks on Wisconsin public employees' collective bargaining rights continue to spill-over into states and local governments across the nation. We can now add California to the list...

There is an argument posed by many in the popular media, by Republicans in the state Senate and Assembly, and by self-appointed pension reform gadflies.  All of them have tremendous newfound celebrity attached to their allegations, but how much of it is true? And does any of it apply to us in Los Angeles County.

The answers are none...

CAPE representatives descended on the State Capitol in late April with clearly defined  goals; to educate the decision makers about the relatively good financial condition of Los Angeles County and LACERA; and to find out which, if any, of the Governor’s list of pension reform proposals were intended for 1937 Act Pension Systems, including LACERA....

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